Notes |
- Per Larry Herrin:
!BIRTH: Pulaski County, Kentucky shows Daniel Heron's father born in Virginia.
Other records show him as born in Pulaski Co., KY. His birth date is
calculated from the 1819 Pulaski Co., KY Tax List (he did not appear in the
1818 List (1819-21=1798). List shows him over 21 for the first time in 1819.
Pulaski County Kentucky MB III shows Washington Herrin's father as being born
in Alabama.
!MARRIAGE: Pulaski County Kentucky marriage Records 1797-1850", page __.
(Certified bond on file).
!LINEAGE: Family Data Sheet provided by Marjorie Smith Brokaw 602 East
Buchanan St. Winterset, IA. The names and dates of Edward Herrin were found
in an old family bible in possession of Mr. Bob Mize (according to note on the
family data sheet). (A copy of the Edward Herrin Family Bible is on file with
L. Herrin; 2 sheets). He appears in the Tax Lists right next to William and
Isaac several times.
!DEED: a) Pulaski County, Kentucky Deed Book 14, page 500 2 Oct 1851
b) Pulaski County, Kentucky Deed Book 30, page 194 7 Oct 1880
c) Pulaski County, Kentucky Deed Book 6, page 320 5 Mar 1827
source a):
Deed between Thomas Stogsdill of Pulaski County, Kentucky of the one part
and heirs of Edward Herrin deceased of the other part land conveyed by
Edward Herrin deceased in his lifetime to the aforesaid Thomas Stogsdill
and the same place on which Thomas Stogsdill, Jr. now lives, the said
Thomas Stogsdill, Jr. sold to heirs of Edward Herrin deceased land on
Buck Creek supposed to contain 75A. (Beginning on a Post Oak Shaderick
Herrins North Corner running ...)
attest Thomas Stogsdill
Jefferson Hargis
Thomas Stogsdill, Jr.
source b):
Deed between Alfred Alexander and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth
Stogsdill Washington Hargis and Milly his wife late Milly Stogsdill
Williamson Stogsdill Morris Stogsdill Thomas Stogsdill John Stogsdill
Riley Stogsdill Thomas Alexander and Ruth his wife late Ruth Stogsdill
The heirs of Richard Stogsdill whose names are unknown Daniel Herrin
William Herrin Sarah Herrin Richard Herrin Thomas Herrin and Edward
Herrin Washington Herrin the eight last named being children and heirs at
law of Nancy Herrin deceased who was one of the heirs of of Thomas
Stogsdill deceased and Henry Bullock of the county aforesaid of the second
part. Land sold by commissioners 16 Nov 1857 at $256 land on the waters
of Buck Creek first tract begins at hickory and black oak on Shaderick
Herrins line.
source c):
Edward Herrin and Nancy Herrin his wife of Pulaski County, Kentucky (one
part) & Richard Stogsdill of county aforesaid (other part) for $90 100A
on Buck Creek on Sugartree Hollow passing Isaac Herrins corner . Edward "X" Herrin --SEAL--
Nancy "X" Herrin --SEAL--
!DEATH: a) The Rockcastle County, KY Census lists his two youngest sons living
with Daniel, his oldest. Edward and Nancy are probably dead by 1850, then.
1842 is the last Tax List he appears in.
b) Pulaski County Kentucky Inventory of Edward Herrin, dec'd Book 3
page 576 (Abstracted by Larry Herrin).
c) Pulaski County Kentucky Account of Sales of the Estate of Edward
Herrin, dec'd Will Book 3 page 584 (Abstracted by Larry Herrin).
source b):
Produced to us by Daniel Herrin, his admin.
Total $145.87
Certified 21 December 1842 James Hargis
William R Mize
Wm Stogsdill
Appraisers statement appearing before J. P.
William Bradley, JP
20 Feb 1843
Approved and recorded by Court.
Will Fox, Clk
source c):
20 March 1843
too chears Washington 1=50
2 chearns Simeon Bullock 1=26
one Jno?Cradel Jonathan Lankford
one Christ? Wm Stogsdill 1=62 1/2
one Drepes William Herrin 62 1/2
Three bean William Herrin 1=
Sifter & tray Williamson Herrin 12 1/2
One Loom Alfred Alexander 3=12 1/2
one plow Thomas Alexander 1=
Three hogs Williamson Herrin 1=50
8 hogs Williamson Herrin 1=23
4 sheap Robin Burdam 2=31 1/4
5 sheap Williamson Herrin 1=68 3/4
20 geese Williamson Herrin 87 1/2
10 geese Naoma Alexander 1
One slay John Bolin? 50 1/4
One slay Washing Hargis 37 1/2
20=43 3/4
99=39 3/4
99=64 3/4
Micajah Sutton to one little wheel 2=81 1/4
Alfred Alexander to one iron sovel 75
One big wheel Thomas Stogsdil 1=12
One Pot Morris Stogdill 1=31 1/4
One Beo Sally Herren 5=
One bed Daniel Herrin 21
One bed std Williamson Herrin 75
one oven and lead Benjamin Hansford 62 1/2
One lead John Randolph 25
One pot John Randolph 25
One reel Naomi Alexander 87 1/2
One wedge Cyrus Bradley 75
One mattox John Randolph 1=37 1/2
One horse Robin Burdin 2=43 3/4
one colt James H. Hargis 5=
one horse Williamson Herrin 5=
one colt Harrison Sowder 6=12 1/2
one horse Alfred Alexander 26=19 1/4
one cow Steven Colier 4=35
one cow William Randolph 2=62 1/2
one cow Daniel Herrin 4=
one and calf Esquire Brinson 3=87 1/2
one label Phillip Clark 75
water pales Cyrus Clonch paid 93 3/4
one label Morris Stogsdil 12 1/2
too pair of cards Phillip Fore 68 3/4
one bottle Cyrus Bradley 13 1/2
one bottle Thomas Stogsdill 12 1/2
one set of plants Balus Randolph 70
one set of tee cups &saucer Enoch Waley 31 1/4
one gug Rily Brinson 6 1/4
one dish & bucket James Hargis 68 3/4
one coffee biller William Alexander 38 3/4
certified by Daniel Herrin 23
approved by Court 20 March 1843 Will Fox, Clk.