Male 1786 - 1860  (74 years)

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    Born 1786  North Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Died Apr 1860  Laurel County, Kentuckysl Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I24516  Gynzer's Genealogy Database
    Last Modified 4 Jul 2005 

    Father HERRIN SHADRACK SR.,   b. 1765,   d. 1842  (Age 77 years) 
    Mother STOGSDILL REBECCA BECKY,   b. 1765,   d. 1834, Alabama Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 69 years) 
    Married North Carolina? Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F08503  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family EVANS SARAH,   b. 1790, Tennessee Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1833, KentuckY Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age < 43 years) 
    Married 14 Mar 1805  Somerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    +1. HERRIN JOHN,   b. 9 Apr 1806, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aft 1880, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age > 75 years)
    +2. HERRIN REBECCA,   b. Abt 1808, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 1829, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 21 years)
    +3. HERRIN RACHAEL,   b. Abt 1811, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location
    +4. HERRIN SALLY,   b. 1820, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 1849, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 29 years)
    +5. HERRON WILLIAM M. JR.,   b. 11 Nov 1821, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 15 Oct 1898, Laurel County, Kentuckysl Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 76 years)
    +6. HERRON SHADRACK PRIV.,   b. 1826, Pulaski County, Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Sep 1865, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 39 years)
    Family ID F08537  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • Per Larry Herrin:
      !BIRTH: a) Date 0f 1780-1784 calculated from the 1810, 1820, 1830
      and 1840 Census. Born in North Carolina (from John Heron information; 1880
      Pulaski County, Kentucky Census). ca 1784 birth date from the 1805 Tax List of
      Pulaski Co., KY. In 1804 he is not listed, and in 1805 he is listed as male 21
      or over. Since Shadrack consented for his marriage in March 1805, William turned
      21 after March of 1805 which makes him born after March of 1784. This agrees
      with the latest Census birth date of 1784, and the Shadrick Herin 1790 Census
      age of 1 male under 16 (1790-16=1774 to 1790).
      b) 1860 Kentucky Mortality Schedule

      source b):
      William "Herin" died in Laurel Co., KY in Apr 1860, age 73, born in North

      !MARRIAGE: a) 1st: (14 Mar 1805) Pulaski County, Ky Marriage Book 1, page 15.
      b) 2nd: (14 Feb 1835) Pulaski County, Ky Marriage Book 1, page 112, Minister's
      Returns for Owen Atkins, MG.

      source a):
      The foregoing list of marriages were returned to my office as Clerk of the
      Pulaski County court by the Reverend Adam Burke and the same has been duly
      recorded in my office Att Will Fox c of c
      Henry Farmer and Nancy DeBord the 13 June 1805. Aaron Gainy and Polly
      Humphries 7th of Nov 1804. Daniel Stogsdill and Henry Masey 23 of July
      1804. Alexander Evans and Rachael Ashby 30th of July 1804. William Herrin
      and Sally Evans 14th of March 1805. John Adair and Patsy Gavin 30th of
      August 1804. The above marriages was celebrated and confirmed according to
      law by
      Richd Barrier
      The foregoing list of marriages were returned in my office as Clerk of the
      Pulaski County court by the Reverend Richd Barrier and the same has been
      duly recorded in my office.
      Att Will Fox c of c
      Know all men by their presents that we William hern & Daniel Stogsdill
      are held and firmly bound unto Thurst. Greenup Esq. Govenor of the
      commonwelath in the just & full sum of fifty pounds to which payment well
      & truly to be made to the said govenor or his successors we bind ourselves
      our heirs Exors & Admor firmly by them sealed with their seals & date this
      13th day March 1805 The Condition of the above bound Obligation is such
      that where as there is a marriage Shortly intended to be had Solemnized
      between William Hern & Sally Evans both of the county of Pulaski if there
      be lawful cause to obstruct the same then the above bound obligation to be
      void other wise to remain in full force power & virtu
      Signed Sealed & Delivered William Herrin
      In presents of
      C Price his
      Daniel X Stogsdill

      13 March 1805 ????
      This I do Sorty by I Johnevens hase no oblig against William Herrin and
      Sary Eves been loftily gind instae ofmaty mony Shadrak herrin gives his
      con Sent also
      Shadrak Herrin John Evenes

      source b):
      William Herrin to Sary Whitaker Feb. 14, 1833.
      Returned to clerk's office 5 Aug 1833 Will Fox Guaranteed by Owen Adkins
      M. J.

      !RESIDENCE: Rowan Co., NC, Clark, Montgomery, Pulaski and Laurel Counties, KY

      !VOCATION: Farmer and wheelwright.

      !COURT: a) Pulaski County Kentucky Court Order Book 2, page
      b) Pulaski County Kentucky Court Order Book 4, page 68
      c) Pulaski County Kentucky Court Order Book 2, part 3, page 134
      d) Pulaski County Kentucky Court Order Book 5A, pages 10-11
      e) Pulaski County Kentucky Court Order Book 3, page 385.
      f) Pulaski County Kentucky Court Order Book 3, page 367B

      source a):
      May Court 1811
      At a county court held for Pulaski County at the Courthouse therof in the
      Town of Somerset on Monday the twenty seventh day of May one thousand
      eight hundred & eleven Present John Chesney, Hugh Logan, George Alcorn and
      Francis Clare, Esquires.
      The last will and Testament of Benjamin Stogsdale Deceased was proved
      by the Oath of Benjamin Reynolds & William Herrin two of the Subscribing
      Witnesses thereto to be the Last Will & Testament of the said Stogsdale,
      and ordered to be Recorded; And on the motion of Sarah Herrin the Exec-
      utrix named in the said Decedents Will a certificate is granted her for
      obtaining a probate thereof as is due form she having first made oath
      as required by law and Entered unto & Acknowledged Bond and in the penalty
      of three hundred Pounds with William Alexander, William herrin, Junr, and
      William Herrin Senr, her Securities conditioned as the law directs & It
      is Ordered to be entered of Record that leave is given to Elijah Barnes
      the other Executor to Join in the probate at any time hereafter he may
      come forward & It is further ordered that John James Daniel McKinsey and
      Jonathan Smith or any three of them who being first sworn do Inventory
      & appraise the personal Estate and Slaves if any late the property of
      said Decedents and that the Executors return a list thereof to Court

      source b):
      George Randolph appointed surveyor of the Salt Works Road
      Daniel F. James - between Floyds and Ranseys >> Stone house >>
      Beginning at the widow Gibsons (not to include her) >> Daniel F. James >>
      Hughes Mill >> Flatlick Creek to James Randolph, Sen. >> Buck Creek to
      Thomas Prices (including him) >> William Herrin (so as to include him) >>
      George Barclay.

      source c):
      27 Sep 1813
      5. William Herrin appeared before the Court and offered proof that James
      Reece, deceased, had made an obligation to transfer a certain track of
      land. After due deliberation, the Court ordered the land to be
      transferred to William Herring and appointed John Newby, Elias
      Poston and John Chesney to supervise the transfer.

      source d):
      May Term 1835.
      Jefferson Hargis appt surveyor of the Whitley Road in the room of Charles
      Collyer from Pitman's Creek to Buck Creek ...
      (Except John Brinson Jr. William Herrin, John Brinson Sr. John Herrin &
      Shadrack Prices other place).

      source e):
      December Term 1824
      Ordered that John Reese be appointed surveyor for the Salt Works Road from
      the top of the Ridge between Floyds and RAneys to the ____ on ____ of
      George Randolph and he with the hands residing within the following bound-
      ary do open and keep said Road in good repair according to law to wit
      Beginning at the widow Gibsons so as not to include her thence to Daniel
      F. James thence to Hughes Mill thence down Flatlick Creek to James Randols
      Sen. thence down Buck Creek to Thomas Prices including them thence to John
      Brinsons including him thence to William Herrins so as to include him
      thence to the Beginny so as to include George Barclay.

      source f):
      Ordered that Thomas Price be appointed Surveyor of the Road from Pitman's
      Creek to Buck Creek on the ____ of Tho. Stephens, and that he with hands
      _____ within the precinct herein after below mentioned, an _____ in good
      repair according to law, to wit, Beginning at the Ford of Pitmans Creek
      at John Langdons from thence a straight Corner to the head of Sugartree
      Hollow from thence down the same to the south thence down Buck Creek to
      the Whitley Road thence with the same to Pitmans Creek and up the same
      to the Begg (except John Brinson, Wm Herrin, John Brinson, Senr, John
      Herrin & Shaderick Price).

      !MILITARY: Military Settlement Book 7 #2 Col. Commandant William
      Herrin 44th Regmt. of Ky Militia pay for the years 1829 and 1830. Signed
      Josiah Evans, Paymaster.

      This has to be William Herrin, h/o Sarah Evans because William Herrin, h/o Jane
      Stephenson was dead by October 1830 per Marion County, In Deed.

      June 18, 1832
      This day William Herrin Col. Commandant for the 44th Ridgmt K.M. I Josiah
      Evans Paymaster for sd. Ridgmt. deltted the fines interest in sd. Ridgment
      for the year 1829 & 1830 and and after deducting the Sheriffs delinquent
      List from the assessment of said years and after deducting Sheriffs and
      Paymasters com for Collecting & paying amt. there apears due on sd. years
      the sum of $12.55 that sum together withe $31.75 which appears of bean in
      the hands of sd. Josiah Evans Paymaster as afforesd. on the 18th day of
      January 1828. as per Settlement made and recorded in Pulaski County Court
      by Col. John Whiles then Col. to the said ridgment making in all $44.30
      which sum that remains of $44.30 it appears has has been Drawn out of
      P.J. Evans hands in the discharge of Claims against sd. Ridgment and there
      is further Claimes against sd. Ridgment now lodged with sd. Josiah Evans
      Paymaster aforesd. to the amt. of $50.20 & no funds to discharge them with
      as follows, one in favor of E. J. Buchhanon adjutant & provost Martial for
      the sum of $27.50 for duties rendered in 1824-5-6-7-8. The one other claim
      in favor of E. J. Buchhanon for $13.50 for services and another claim in
      favor of E. Buchhanon for $13.50 for service Rendered in 1829-1830 & 1831.
      one in favor of Henry Sipple for $8.25 acredited $2.50 beig. credited on
      sd. Claime.
      Given under our hands This Day
      Josiah Evans. P.M.
      44th Ridgmt. K.M.
      William Herrin
      Col. Com 44th K.D.M.
      The County Court held for Pulaski County at the E? Courthouse thereof in
      the Town of Somerset on Monday the 18th day of June A.D. 1832. This
      settlement between Josiah Evans Paymaster for the 44th Regiment, Kentucky
      Militia and William Herrin Col. Commandant of Said Regiment, was Exhibited
      to the Court & Ordered to be Recorded and the same is done accordingly.
      Atts Will Fox Clk

      Rowan Co, NC 1790, Pulaski Co., Pulaski Co., Ky 1810, 1820, & 1830 and Laurel
      Co., Ky 1840.

      Also note that there were two William Herrins in Pulaski Co. in the 1810
      Census, but only one in the 1820 Census. However, Jane Herrin (w/o William)
      was in 1820 Census. William Herrin, along with Shadwick Herrin and Sarah Herrin
      are listed in the 1797 Montgomery County, KY Tax List. William Herrin is
      listed in the 1810, 1820 & 1830 Pulaski County, KY Census and the 1840 Laurel
      County, Kentucky Census.
      1790 Rowan County, NC Tax List Shadrick Herin listed with 1 male under 16
      1797 Montgomery County, KY Tax List - Wm. Herring (no property listed)
      1797 Montgomery County, KY Tax List - Shadwick Herring (no prop. listed)
      1797 Montgomery County, KY Tax List - Sarah Herring (no prop. listed)
      1800 Pulaski County, KY Tax List - Shadrack Herrin listed
      1810 Pulaski County, KY Census - William Herrin Head of Household
      1 male 0-10, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45, 1 fem 0-10, 1 fem 16-26
      1820 Pulaski County, KY Census - Wm. Herrin Head of Household
      1 male 10-16, 1 male 26-45, 2 fem 0-10, 1 fem 10-16, 1 fem 26-45
      1830 Pulaski County, KY Census - William Herrin Head of Household
      2 males 5-10, 1 male 40-50, 1 fem 10-15, 1 fem 15-20, 1 fem 40-50
      1840 Laurel County, KY Census - William Heran Head of Household
      1 male 0-5, 2 males 15-20, 1 male 50-60, 1 fem 20-30, 1 fem 40-50

      !DEEDS: a) Pulaski County General Index to Real Estate Conveyances (Grantees)
      b) Pulaski County General Index to Real Estate Conveyances (Grantors)
      c) Pulaski County, KY Deed Book 2, page 320.
      d) Laurel County, KY Deed Book B, page 5.
      e) Laurel County, KY Deed Book C, page 149
      f) Laurel County Kentucky Deed Book C, page 150 dated 7 February 1846

      source a): * p. 121 James Reese to William Hering 1804
      source a): p. 121 George Lee (dec'd by Comm.) to William Herrin 1814
      source b): * p. 171 William Herrin et al to Joel Hubble 1816
      source b): p. 171 William Herrin to John Evans 1829
      source a): p. 122 Josiah Evans to William Herrin 1829
      source b): p. 171 William & Sarah Herrin to Singleton Earp 1829
      source b): p. 172 William & Sarah Herrin to Fillop H. Earp 1829

      * William Herrin , Sr. who was h/o Jane Stephenson Herrin.

      source c):
      I James Rece have this day bargained and sold sertain tract or parcel of
      Land lying in the County of Pulaski and state of Kentucky on the waters of
      Flat Lick. Beginning at George Wilsons line thence [Description of tract].
      ... as it is was Shoon and mentioned to Thomas McGuire and John Evans &
      the above mentioned James Rece do bind myself my heirs We to make William
      Hering, or heirs or assigns soficient general warrantee deed against the
      first day of October 1805, as witness by hand and seal this third day of
      November 1804.
      Atteste William Hill James Reese --- Seal ---
      William Richardson
      At a County Court held for Pulaski County on the 28th day of June 1813 The
      within Bond was Exhibited to the Court for the purpose of having
      Commissioners appointed agreeably to an act of the General Assembly and
      proof made as required by said act of the consideration money being paid.
      We and aafterwards, to wit, at the September Term of the Court aforesaid
      the said Bond, was ordered to be recorded and ther same is done
      Teste Will Fox Clk

      source d):
      Laurel County Kentucky ? February 1837 - Surveyed for William Herrin 200A
      by order of the Laurel County Court at November Term 1834. Situate in
      Laurel County on the waters of Woods Creek.
      John S Miller | Jas McNeill SSC
      William Taylor| Exc'd and Recorded
      William Herrin Marker Jas McNeill SSC

      source e):
      9 Sep 1845 - William Herin to Shadrick Herrin, both of Laurel County for
      $116 a parcel of land lying on Woods Creek in Laurel County containg 200A.
      Same that was patented by William Herrin on 3 October 1838 and also being the plac e where the said William Herrin resides.
      William Herrin -SEAL-
      Sally Herrin -SEAL-
      Certified by William H. Randall clerk of the County Court - deed produced
      on 9 Sep 1845 and acknowledged by William Herrin. Sally Herrin apart from
      her husband William Herrin declared that she willingly signed, sealed and
      W. H. Randall Clk

      source f):
      7 February 1846 - Shadrick Herrin to Augustus G. Moon, both of Laurel Co.
      for $150 a parcel of land on White Oak and Woods Creek beginning near the
      rock bridge on a branch of White Oak - containing 200A the same that was
      patented to William Herrin on 3 Oct 1839.
      Shadrick Herron -SEAL-
      Certified by William H. Randall 7 February 1846.
      W. H. Randall Clk

      !COURT: a) Pulaski County Kentucky Court 28 Jun 1813
      b) Pulaski County Kentucky Court 27 Sep 1813

      source a):
      6. James Bobbitt & William Herring requested the Court to have
      commissioners appointed to convey certain parcels of land that had been
      promised by James Reece before his death and had been paid for by Bobbitt and
      Herring. Continued until next Court.

      source b):
      5. William Herrin appeared before the Court and offered proof that James
      Reece, deceased, had made an obligation to transfer him a certain track of
      land. After due deliberation, the court ordered the land to be transferred
      to William Herring and appointed John Newby, Elias Poston and John Chesney
      to secure the transfer.

      !LINEAGE: There exists two possible leads
      for paternal identification:
      1) Shadrick (Shadrick Herrin) (wife Rebecca)
      2) William Herrin (wife Jane Stevenson)
      Elimination of William Herrin (h/o Jane Stephenson) as ancestor:
      It was assumed that William Herrin of Shopville, Pulaski Co. Ky may be
      William S. Herring of Rockingham Co., Virginia. This cannot be the case because
      William S. Herrin was the executor of his mother's, Elizabeth Stevenson
      Herring's, will in Rockingham Co., VA in 1820, and William Herrin was well
      settled in Pulaski County by 1800, he was bondsman of Sarah Herrin's and
      Benjamin Stogsdill's marriage on 20 Jun 1800.
      Therefore, I'll rule out any connection to the William S. Herrin
      of Rockingham Co. VA. Information on Willam S. Herrin was found in "Settlers by
      the Long Grey Trail" (Harrison, 1935). Further proof is that John Heron in the
      1880 Pulaski Co., Ky Census lists his father from North Carolina and his mother
      from Tennessee.

      !VOCATION: Pulaski County, Ky Will Book 7ii page 934 Peter Ruark to Isaac Hayes
      Heirs, mentions the first 68 acre tract beginning at "where William Herrin's
      old shop stood." He was probably a wheelwright as was his son, John. Perhaps
      Shopville was named for the existence of this shop?

      !DEATH: a) Jackson, R. V. "Kentucky 1860 Mortality Schedule".
      b) Laurel Co. KY U.S. Vital Statistics on microfilm at Frankfort, KY
      KY Hist. Lib., page 1 line 28 (page 377 of state listing)

      source a):
      William Herm died in Laurel Co., KY in Apr 1860, age 73 of a fever. He
      was a male born in North Carolina with no occupation listed.

      source b):
      William Herin 73 M [male] M [married] North Carolina [birthplace]
      Apr [month of death] fever [cause] 15 [days sick]

  • Sources 
    1. [S096727] Larry Herrin/penengr2/@/aol.com.

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