"509","""At the Crossroads""","documents"
"537","""Brink"" ""1845-1945"" by Minnie Ludwig Brink","documents"
"372","""Grandpa"" FRANCIS MARION TAYLOR & Lorene Owens Gines","photos"
"510","""His Guiding Hand""","documents"
"526","""Our Pioneer Nazarenes"" - by C. T. Corbett","documents"
"393","'Ish' Smith Family","photos"
"752","1830 - United States Census for Joseph Philibert I","census"
"676","1830 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnal","census"
"753","1840 - United States Census for Joseph Philibert I","census"
"523","1840 Henry Geines Census","census"
"678","1850 - United States Federal Census - Farmer, John B","census"
"677","1850 - United States Federal Census - Klee, George","census"
"679","1850 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnal","census"
"669","1850 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnel","census"
"568","1850 Census Showing Green Proctor Family","documents"
"529","1850 Henry Geines Census Translation","census"
"527","1850 Henry Gines Census (1 of 2)","census"
"528","1850 Henry Gines Census (2 of 2)","census"
"530","1850 Philip Geines Census","census"
"531","1850 Philip Geines Census Translation","census"
"749","1851 Census of Canada , East_Canada ,West New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - Jean Baptiste Philibert , page 1 of 3","census"
"750","1851 Census of Canada , East_Canada ,West New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - Jean Baptiste Philibert , page 2 of 3","census"
"751","1851 Census of Canada , East_Canada ,West New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - Jean Baptiste Philibert , page 3 of 3","census"
"680","1860 - United States Federal Census - Arnsmeyer, Dietrich H.","census"
"660","1860 - United States Federal Census - Farmer, John B.","census"
"681","1860 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnal","census"
"670","1860 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnel","census"
"754","1860 - United States Federal Census for Joseph Philibert I","census"
"569","1860 Census showing Willis Proctor Family","census"
"518","1860 Christian Brink Census","census"
"519","1860 Fredrich Brink Census","census"
"536","1860 Henry Geines Census","census"
"517","1860 William Brink Census","census"
"682","1865 - Illinois State Census - Arnsmeyer, Henry","census"
"673","1865 - Illinois State Census - Matthews, Charnel","census"
"654","1870 - United States Federal Census - Burget, Daniel D.","census"
"661","1870 - United States Federal Census - Farmer, John B.","census"
"683","1870 - United States Federal Census - Mathews, Charnal","census"
"671","1870 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnel","census"
"511","1870 Henry Geines Census ","census"
"524","1870 Philip Geines Census (1 of 2)","census"
"525","1870 Philip Geines Census (2 of 2)","census"
"685","1880 - United States Federal Census - Arnsmeyer, Caroline","census"
"655","1880 - United States Federal Census - Burget, Daniel D. - Page 2 of 2","census"
"662","1880 - United States Federal Census - Farmer, John B.","census"
"684","1880 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnal","census"
"672","1880 - United States Federal Census - Matthews, Charnel","census"
"512","1880 Henry Geines Census","census"
"698","1900 - United States Federal Census - Owens, Wiley E.","census"
"663","1900 - United States Federal Census - Rogers, Frank","census"
"703","1900 - United States Federal Census - Taylor, Francis Marion","census"
"575","1900 US Census with John Wesley Geines","census"
"649","1910 - United Stated Federal Census - Gines, John W.","census"
"699","1910 - United States Federal Census - Owens, Wiley E","census"
"664","1910 - United States Federal Census - Rogers, Frank","census"
"638","1910 - United States Federal Census - Sanders, Lee","census"
"633","1910 - United States Federal Census - Schafer, Frank","census"
"704","1910 - United States Federal Census - Taylor, Francis Marion","census"
"759","1920 - United States Census - Thomas Farmer Families","census"
"600","1920 - United States Federal Census - Brink, Albert","census"
"592","1920 - United States Federal Census - Brink, Charles","census"
"595","1920 - United States Federal Census - Brink, Henry F W","census"
"667","1920 - United States Federal Census - Farmer, Thomas M.","census"
"586","1920 - United States Federal Census - Gines, John W.","census"
"597","1920 - United States Federal Census - Hake, Elmer","census"
"602","1920 - United States Federal Census - Hake, Louis","census"
"601","1920 - United States Federal Census - Kleeman, Henry","census"
"598","1920 - United States Federal Census - Koelling, August","census"
"603","1920 - United States Federal Census - Krughoff, Marth","census"
"589","1920 - United States Federal Census - Owens, Charles W.","census"
"665","1920 - United States Federal Census - Rogers, Frank","census"
"637","1920 - United States Federal Census - Sanders, Lee 0","census"
"631","1920 - United States Federal Census - Schafer, Frank - Page 1","census"
"632","1920 - United States Federal Census - Schafer, Frank - Page 2","census"
"594","1920 - United States Federal Census - Schnikter, August","census"
"593","1920 - United States Federal Census - Westerfeld, Henry","census"
"599","1920 - Uniter States Federal Census - Krughoff, Edward","census"
"583","1930 - United State Federal Census - Gines, John W","census"
"591","1930 - United States Federal Census - Brink, Charles","census"
"587","1930 - United States Federal Census - Owens, Charles","census"
"666","1930 - United States Federal Census - Rogers, Frank","census"
"630","1930 - United States Federal Census - Schafer, Fank - Page 2","census"
"629","1930 - United States Federal Census - Schafer, Frank - Page 1","census"
"636","1930 - United States Federal Census - Vanhatten, Ellen","census"
"514","1930 Oral Gines Census","census"
"515","1930 Rolla Gines Census","census"
"571","1940 Census with Herald Marshall Gines","census"
"585","1940 US Census - Brink, Raymond L","census"
"604","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"605","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"606","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"607","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"608","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"609","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"610","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"611","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"612","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"613","30th General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"614","30th General Assembly, Legislative Handbook of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"615","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"616","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"617","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"618","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"619","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"620","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"621","31st General Assembly of the State of Illinois.","documents"
"291","39 Edwardsport Road, Washington, Indiana","photos"
"139","4 Generation Brinks","photos"
"132","4 Generation Krueger","photos"
"140","4 Generations of Brinks","photos"
"261","50th anniversary – Michael and Sophia Schmidt","photos"
"12","? , Lawrence Brink, ? , Julius Brink","photos"
"560","Account of the death and martyr of Han's Landis in 1614.","histories"
"214","Albert and Millie (Brink) Krughoff","photos"
"219","Albert and Millie Krughoff","photos"
"141","Albert, Lydia Bock, and Willard Brink ","photos"
"206","Alfred and Amelia (Rixman) Hake","photos"
"205","Alfred, Lawrence, Joe and Bert Hake
"300","Alisa Marie Gines 6 mo","photos"
"297","Alisa Marie Gines (2)","photos"
"298","Alisa Marie Gines 21.5 Months","photos"
"299","Alisa Marie Gines 3 years","photos"
"301","Amy and David Hoss Wedding ","photos"
"302","Ann Michelle Ames (3 mo) Janet Riggs Ames Daughter","photos"
"221","Anna and William Elmers","photos"
"142","Anna Krughoff and William Elmers wedding ","photos"
"5","Anna, Ruth, & Wesley Krughkoff","photos"
"686","Arnesmeyer, William - 1919 - Death Record, Illinois","documents"
"687","Arnesmeyer, William - 1919 - headstone","headstones"
"689","Arnsmeyer, Minnie Stoker - Death Certificate","documents"
"690","Arnsmeyer, William - Death Certificate","documents"
"280","Arthur Burnett and his mother","photos"
"277","Arthur, Elinor and Delores Burnett","photos"
"15","Article about Theodore & Julia Brink.","photos"
"303","Aunt Goldie, Rosa, Lulla, Lois and Uncle Ovid","photos"
"304","Aunt Lois and Uncle Cecil Hinkle","photos"
"2","Back of Post card from Anna to Albert. ","photos"
"4","Back of Post card from Waldo to Albert","photos"
"14","Back: Anna & Gus Buchholz & ?, ? . Taken 1913","photos"
"305","Barbara Jean Owens","photos"
"254","Becky Wulfe and Brian Luessenheide engagement","photos"
"445","Ben and Grace Gaither","photos"
"112","Berlin and Lucile Gaither","photos"
"437","Berlin and Lucille Gaither","photos"
"307","Berlin and Lucille Gaither - 1981","photos"
"308","Berlin and Lucille Gaither - 1981","photos"
"306","Berlin and Lucille Gaither and Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"309","Berlin Gaither","photos"
"310","Berlin Gaither Family","photos"
"143","Bertha, Hannah, and Anna Brink ","photos"
"45","Beta Sigma Phi Dinner Dance ","photos"
"43","Bill, Minerva, & Stephen Clouser","photos"
"8","Billy and Carol Chandler and daughters.","photos"
"247","Brink Brothers General Merchandise store in Huegely, Illinois. ","photos"
"10","Brink Group Shot","photos"
"63","Brink Group Shot","photos"
"30","Brink Homestead barn","photos"
"241","Brink Picnic
"590","Brink, Raymond L - SSDI","ssdi"
"547","Burget Family Photo - 1905","photos"
"658","Burget Gines, Ida Mae - Portrait","photos"
"546","Burget Home ca 1908","photos"
"656","Burget Home in 1908","photos"
"144","Caroline and Marie Bokemeyer
"146","Caroline Sophie Louise Meier & Luise Bokemeyer","photos"
"131","Casper and Mary (Krueger) Finke","photos"
"160","Casper and Mary (Krueger) Finke","photos"
"129","Casper and Mary Finke","photos"
"90","Cathryn (Hake) Mahan ","photos"
"295","Cecil and Lois Hinkle","photos"
"426","Cecil and Lois Owens Hinkle on 36th Anniversary","photos"
"311","Cecil and Louis Hinkle","photos"
"312","Cecil Hinkle Family","photos"
"167","Chalk portraits of Charles L. C. and Martha E. Krughoff Brink.","photos"
"313","Charles and Isis Hoss","photos"
"314","Charles and Isis Hoss and Family","photos"
"315","Charles and Jane Owens Wedding","photos"
"118","Charles and Linda Brink","photos"
"123","Charles and Linda Brink Family","photos"
"316","Charles and Pauline Owens","photos"
"317","Charles and Veda Owens","photos"
"271","Charles and Wanda Brink","photos"
"286","Charles Brink back left","photos"
"290","Charles Brink half cut off on front right
"278","Charles Brink School Photo","photos"
"318","Charles Edward Hinkle","photos"
"502","Charles Edward Philibert and Sarah","photos"
"60","Charles F. Brink Children","photos"
"107","Charles F. Brink Children","photos"
"229","Charles F. Brink Huegely","photos"
"163","Charles L. C. and Martha Brink - 1863 wedding picture
"56","Charles L. C. Brink Children","photos"
"65","Charles L. C. Brink family
"147","Charles L. C. Brink Family","photos"
"164","Charles L. C. Brink Family","photos"
"68","Charles L. C. Brink Home","photos"
"319","Charles, Lorene, Lucille, and Veda Owens","photos"
"161","Charlotte (Bachaus) Krueger","photos"
"69","Christian & Louise Gaertner ","photos"
"97","Christian Gaertner Children","photos"
"320","Chuckie Smith","photos"
"321","Cindy Kay Smith & Chris Oglesby Wedding","photos"
"322","Clarence Opal Owens","photos"
"216","Cora, Clarence, Mildred, and Orville Krughoff
"643","DAR Lineage for Andrew Thompson","documents"
"539","DAR Record for Andrew Thompson","histories"
"227","David and Pat Gines","photos"
"327","David and Pat Gines","photos"
"453","David and Pat Gines Wedding","photos"
"329","David and Ron Gines","photos"
"328","David and Ron Gines and their ice cream carts","photos"
"331","David Gines","photos"
"330","David Gines Family","photos"
"325","David Gines' Quartet","photos"
"326","David Gines' Quartet","photos"
"332","David L and H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"333","David L. Gines","photos"
"334","David L. Gines","photos"
"335","David L. Gines","photos"
"336","David L. Gines","photos"
"337","David Scott and Jeffrey Ogle Gines","photos"
"323","David Scott Gines","photos"
"338","David Scott Gines","photos"
"339","David Scott Gines","photos"
"340","David Scott Gines","photos"
"324","David Scott, Jeffrey O. and Alisa M. Gines","photos"
"451","David, Pat and Scott Gines","photos"
"341","David, Ron and Karen Gines","photos"
"538","Death Certificate for John W. Gines","documents"
"702","Dolly, Veda and Luvena Taylor ","photos"
"343","Don Davis","photos"
"344","Donald Ray Gines","photos"
"95","Dorothy & Bruno Gaertner","photos"
"345","Dorothy Burget Gines Riggs","photos"
"346","Dorothy Gines","photos"
"347","Dorothy Gines Riggs","photos"
"348","Dorothy Hoss","photos"
"349","Dorothy Hoss","photos"
"350","Dorothy Riggs","photos"
"351","Dot and John Riggs","photos"
"700","Draft Registration Card - Owens, Charles Wiley - June 5, 1917","documents"
"352","Duane and Carolyn Gaither","photos"
"353","Duane and Eldon Gaither","photos"
"354","Duane Gaither","photos"
"355","Duane Gaither","photos"
"356","Duane Gaither Family","photos"
"358","Duane, Carolyn, Melissa and DeAnn Gaither ","photos"
"357","Duane, Lucille, Berlin and Eldon Gaither","photos"
"764","Early Property records in St. Louis","histories"
"81","Edith (Brink) & Lawrence Hake","photos"
"177","Edith Brink Hake ","photos"
"178","Edith Brink Hake","photos"
"220","Edward and Lydia Krughoff","photos"
"359","Edward and Mary Jane Philibert","photos"
"360","Edward and Mary Jane Ray Philibert","photos"
"361","Edwin Gines","photos"
"362","Eldon Gaither","photos"
"363","Eldon Gaither ","photos"
"364","Eldon Gaither with Steven and Brian","photos"
"365","Eleanor Hoss","photos"
"366","Eleanor Hoss and Vernon Blackmer Wedding","photos"
"208","Elizabeth and Henry Huck","photos"
"175","Elizabeth Brink","photos"
"149","Elizabeth, Clara, Mary, Minnie, and Louise Brink","photos"
"506","Ella Davis","photos"
"223","Elm Point School
"222","Elm Point School ","photos"
"228","Elm Point School 1920
"225","Elm Point School 1939 - Willard Brink
"226","Elm Point School 1940","photos"
"52","Elmer and Winona Huckshold ","photos"
"55","Elmer and Winona Huckshold","photos"
"42","Elmer and Winona Huckshold 25th","photos"
"51","Elmer and Winona Huckshold Wedding","photos"
"50","Elmer Huckshold Family","photos"
"41","Elmer Huckshold in Forest Park ","photos"
"269","Emma (Finke) Brink ","photos"
"762","Excerpt from St. Louis: the fourth city, 1764-1911, Volume 2 ","histories"
"761","Excerpts from THE GREAT WEST – published in 1855","histories"
"274","Family room of Raymond Brink’s home in Centralia, Illinois","photos"
"275","Family room of Raymond Brink’s home in Centralia, Illinois","photos"
"659","Farmer, Henrietta: Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947","histories"
"688","Farmer, John B - family information from a page in the book ""Garner-Keene family of Northern Neck Virginia""","documents"
"668","Farmer, Thomas M - Death Record from Illinois State Web Site","documents"
"692","Farmer, Thomas Matthew - Death Certificate - March 2, 1922 ","documents"
"276","Finke - 4 generations","photos"
"508","Finke, Whilhelm - Information on family arrival to the United States. ","histories"
"760","FIRST COMPANY - San Luis de Ilinueses Militia ","histories"
"532","Florence Fern Schmidt Birth Certificate","documents"
"83","Four Generation Hake","photos"
"162","Four Generation Photograph.","photos"
"368","Francis Marion and Delphia Jane Philibert Taylor","photos"
"367","Francis Marion Taylor and Delphia","photos"
"204","Frank and Lydia (Krughoff) Hake","photos"
"57","Fred & Lydia Brink Family","photos"
"82","Fred & Shirley Hake","photos"
"133","Fred and Lydia Brink ","photos"
"179","Fred and Martha Hake Krughoff","photos"
"180","Fred and Wilhelmina Peithman Krughoff","photos"
"194","Fred Krughoff and Martha (Hake) Krughoff","photos"
"150","Fred William and Lydia Uphoff Brink Wedding.","photos"
"148","Fred, William, Henry, and Charles F. Brink.","photos"
"195","Fredrich W. Hake","photos"
"196","Fredrich Wilhelm and Sophia Hake","photos"
"197","Fredrich Wilhelm and Sophia Hake","photos"
"215","Frieda Krughoff 1908","photos"
"145","Friedrich Bokemeyer.","photos"
"212","Friedrich Krughoff","photos"
"1","Front of Post card from Anna to Albert ","photos"
"3","Front of Post card from Waldo to Albert","photos"
"13","Front: Anna & Gus Buchholz & ?, ? . Taken 1913","photos"
"96","Gaertner Trio","photos"
"283","Garda Jean and Wm. Banner and their families","photos"
"282","Garda Jean Bride and William Banner wedding","photos"
"540","Garda Jean Bride Obituary","documents"
"119","Gardner and Delta Bride","photos"
"284","Gardner Bride Family","photos"
"202","George and Lydia (Peithman) Hake","photos"
"176","George Brink","photos"
"342","Gines - Gaither Clan","photos"
"108","Gines Family - Thanksgiving 1989
"584","Gines, H Ronald - SSDI","ssdi"
"570","Gines, Herald Marshall - SSDI Record","ssdi"
"652","Gines, John W. - Shoe Store Ad","documents"
"653","Gines, John Wesley","photos"
"651","Gines, John Wesley - Newspaper Announcement of Lena Landis visiting","documents"
"650","Gines, John Wesley - Newspaper announcement of show store buyout.","documents"
"581","Gines, Tracy L - SSDI","ssdi"
"580","Gines, Wanda Lee - SSDI","ssdi"
"369","Goldie and Boots","photos"
"293","Goldie, Summer 1975","photos"
"172","Grace and Joy Tschudin","photos"
"181","Grace and Joy Tschudin","photos"
"373","Grandpa Francis Taylor","photos"
"713","Gravestones Destroyed by Catholic Church","documents"
"16","Group Brink Picture","photos"
"26","Gus and Bertha Brink","photos"
"27","Gus and Bertha Brink","photos"
"18","Gustav F. Brink & Bertha Brink Wedding - July 15, 1915","photos"
"115","H. Ronald & Wanda Lee Gines","photos"
"375","H. Ronald and David L. Gines","photos"
"379","H. Ronald and Wanda Lee Gines","photos"
"447","H. Ronald and Wanda Lee Gines","photos"
"392","H. Ronald and Wanda Lee Gines Wedding","photos"
"122","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"374","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"376","H. Ronald Gines ","photos"
"377","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"378","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"380","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"381","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"382","H. Ronald Gines","photos"
"110","H. Ronald Gines & Lisa Gines","photos"
"279","H. Ronald Gines and Wanda L. Brink ","photos"
"109","H. Ronald Gines Family","photos"
"121","H. Ronald Gines receiving award","photos"
"193","Hake Family Photo","photos"
"231","Hake Family:","photos"
"192","Hake Family:.","photos"
"24","Hanna and Bertha Brink","photos"
"35","Hanna Brink ","photos"
"17","Hannah Brink - Teacher","photos"
"21","Hannah Brink off to teach school.","photos"
"70","Harvey & Helen Brink Wedding ","photos"
"71","Harvey & Helen Brink Wedding ","photos"
"73","Harvey & Helen Brink wedding day ","photos"
"75","Harvey Brink","photos"
"105","Harvey Brink Family","photos"
"74","Harvey H. Brink ","photos"
"80","Harvey H. Brink ","photos"
"78","Harvey H. Brink confirmation class ","photos"
"79","Harvey, Henry, Joy Tschudin, & Martha Brink","photos"
"641","Headstone - Carey. Marjory (Carey) Hinkle","headstones"
"701","Headstone for Charles W. Owens and Veda E (Taylor) Owens","headstones"
"198","Heinrich Hartmann","photos"
"158","Heinz Bokemeyer","photos"
"94","Helen & Harvey Brink ","photos"
"281","Helen (Brink) Friend with her class ","photos"
"104","Helen (Jane) - Harvey Brink","photos"
"102","Helen (Jane) Brink - Aunt Lulu Gaertner ","photos"
"101","Helen (Jane) Brink - Christian Gaertner","photos"
"100","Helen (Jane) Brink - Louise Gaertner","photos"
"103","Helen (Jane) Brink - Martha Brink’s","photos"
"383","Helen Hoss","photos"
"88","Helen Jane Brink ","photos"
"89","Helen Jane Brink high school graduation ","photos"
"22","Henry & Martha Brink","photos"
"76","Henry & Martha Brink","photos"
"86","Henry Brink","photos"
"218","Henry E. and Mary Hoffman","photos"
"156","Henry F. W. and Martha Hoffman Brink Family.","photos"
"61","Henry F. W. Brink Family","photos"
"553","Henry Geines tombstone rubbing","headstones"
"554","Henry Geines tombstone rubbing outlined","headstones"
"558","Henry Gines in History of Wayne Co, OH","histories"
"72","Henry H. Brink Wedding Party","photos"
"19","Henry J Brink beehives.","photos"
"20","Henry J Brink beehives.","photos"
"182","Henry J. and Minnie Hoffman Brink","photos"
"33","Henry J. Brink Children","photos"
"54","Henry J. Brink Family","photos"
"183","Henry J. Brink Family","photos"
"31","Henry J. Brink Homestead","photos"
"184","Henry W. Brink Family","photos"
"117","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"384","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"385","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"386","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"387","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"388","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"427","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"428","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"442","Herald and Lorene Gines","photos"
"799","Herald and Lorene Gines and sons","photos"
"436","Herald and Lorene Gines with Grandson Scott","photos"
"389","Herald Gines Birthplace","photos"
"391","Herald M. and Lorene Owens Gines Wedding","photos"
"390","Herald M. Gines","photos"
"418","Herald M. Gines Family","photos"
"533","Herold Penner and Florence Schmidt Marriage License","documents"
"622","History of Brink Construction Company","histories"
"285","Home of Anna and Waldo Brink ","photos"
"504","Home that Jean Baptist Ortes built","photos"
"370","Ida Mae Burgett Gines Home","photos"
"185","Ida, Charles, Albert, Elizabeth (Krughoff), and Lydia Brink","photos"
"186","Ida, Lydia and Albert Brink","photos"
"138","Imogene and Mildred Schafer","photos"
"555","Information on Henry and Ester's family","histories"
"187","Iona, Edith, Ethel, Harvey Brink","photos"
"155","Iona, Edith, Joy (Tschuden), and Harvey Brink","photos"
"493","James and Jean Furst","photos"
"217","James Wacker","photos"
"92","Jane Brink, Christian Gaertner, Susan Stevens","photos"
"91","Jane Brink, Helen Brink, Susan Stevens","photos"
"93","Jane Brink; Louisa Gaertner; Susan Stevens","photos"
"763","Jean Baptiste Land Grants","histories"
"394","Jeffrey Edward Davis","photos"
"395","Jeffrey Ogle Gines","photos"
"396","Jerry Lee Hinkle","photos"
"441","Jerry Lee Hinkle and Marjory Ann Carey","photos"
"397","Jimme and Keith Owens","photos"
"398","Jody Hoss","photos"
"207","Joe and Meta (Rinkle) Hake","photos"
"399","John and Dot Riggs","photos"
"400","John and Katherine Hoss","photos"
"439","John and Lulla Blomberg","photos"
"259","John and Mary Bierman","photos"
"268","John Fred and Elizabeth (Hanenberger) Krueger","photos"
"265","John Fred Krueger Sr. and Family","photos"
"288","John Luessenheide ","photos"
"401","John Riggs Family","photos"
"402","John Riggs Family","photos"
"578","John W Gines Obituary","histories"
"577","John W. and Ida Mae Gines Golden Wedding Anniversary","histories"
"576","John W. Gines Obituary","histories"
"579","John W. Gines Obituary","histories"
"403","John Welsey and Ida Mae Gines","photos"
"545","John Wesley Gines Family","photos"
"544","John Wesley Gines Family at Store around 1908","photos"
"251","Joseph and Emma Finke – 50th anniversary 1969
"252","Joseph and Emma Finke-50th anniversary 1969
"154","Joseph Finke","photos"
"153","Joseph Finke holding his nephew Raymond L. Brink","photos"
"152","Joseph Finke’s home ","photos"
"714","Joseph Philibert Court Case with Peggy Perryman","documents"
"715","Joseph Philibert Death Records","documents"
"404","Joseph Philibert I","photos"
"501","Joshua Davis and Pernina Philibert Davis","photos"
"500","Joshua Davis Family","photos"
"188","Judge and Minnie Krughoff Bernreuter","photos"
"189","Julie (Mrs. Theo.) Brink","photos"
"191","Julius and Anna Stelzeride Brink","photos"
"209","Julius and Sarah (Hake) Krughoff","photos"
"224","Julius Krughoff home ","photos"
"190","Julius, Joe and Emil Brink","photos"
"272","July 8, 1976 John Percy Friend","photos"
"405","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"406","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"407","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"408","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"409","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"410","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"411","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"412","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"413","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"414","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"415","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"416","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"417","Karen Rae Gines","photos"
"44","Karl & Kristine Huckshold Wedding","photos"
"646","Karl Ernst Friedrich Bokemeyer and Karl August Heinrich Wilhelm
"120","Karl Ernst Friedrich& Karl August Heinrich Wilhelm Bokemeyer","photos"
"516","Katherina Schmidt Baptism","documents"
"419","Keith and Pat Hinkle","photos"
"420","Keith Hinkle","photos"
"421","Kimberly Hoss","photos"
"422","Late and Earl Taylor","photos"
"9","Lawrence & Irene Brink","photos"
"6","Lawrence and Amanda Brink with daughters.","photos"
"233","Lawrence Brink, Irene Brink Hadley ","photos"
"85","Lawrence Dean Hake","photos"
"230","Lawrence Hake","photos"
"535","Ledger for the Hoylton Bank Loan book. ","documents"
"740","Legend of the Yocum Dollars","histories"
"572","Letter sent to Herald M. Gines","documents"
"32","Liberty School","photos"
"125","Lisa, Danielle, and David Gines","photos"
"424","Lloyd and Dolly Dummit","photos"
"443","Lloyd Owens - New Year baby","photos"
"294","Lois Hinkle, Rosa and Ovid Vermillion","photos"
"425","Lois Owens","photos"
"429","Lorene Gines","photos"
"430","Lorene Gines","photos"
"431","Lorene Owens ","photos"
"432","Lorene Owens","photos"
"433","Lorene Owens","photos"
"434","Lorene Owens","photos"
"435","Lorene Owens","photos"
"66","Louis Brink","photos"
"234","Louise (Mrs. Wm.) Brink ","photos"
"99","Louise (Struck) & Christian Gaertner. ","photos"
"98","Louise (Struck) Gaertner ","photos"
"157","Louise Brink and Sylvester Ludwig","photos"
"438","Lucille Owens","photos"
"479","Lucille Owens","photos"
"257","Luessenheide Family","photos"
"253","Luessenheide Family Photo","photos"
"440","Marilyn Hoss","photos"
"596","Marriage Certificate - Owens, Wiley C and Moudy, Osa A P P","documents"
"642","Marriage Certificate of Jerry Hinkle and Nadine Palmer in 1993","documents"
"697","Marriage of Charlie W Owens and Veda E Taylor, 1910 in Barry Co., MO","documents"
"694","Marriage of Frank Rogers and Henrietta Farmer, 22 Sep 1896","documents"
"695","Marriage of John B Farmer and Mary Anne Matthews - 11 Aug 1841","documents"
"693","Marriage of Joseph Chavers and Henrietta Farmer on August 13, 1880","documents"
"203","Martha (Bartelsmeyer) and Edward Hake","photos"
"77","Martha (Hoffman) Brink","photos"
"87","Martha (Hoffman) Brink ","photos"
"235","Martha Hoffman (Mrs. Henry) Brink","photos"
"201","Martha, Elizabeth and Sarah Hake
"236","Martha, Elizabeth and Sarah Hake","photos"
"267","Mary and John Bierman; L-R Louise, Art, E.J.","photos"
"260","Mary Finke and Sophia Schmidt","photos"
"562","Mennonite Encyclopedia, Volume 111, 1957: An encyclopedic entry on the life and death of Hans Landis.","histories"
"561","Mennonites in Europe, Vol 1, Mennonite Publishing House, 1942, pg 67: An brief history on Hans Landis and his death.","histories"
"232","Meta and Joe Hake","photos"
"264","Michael and Sophia Schmidt","photos"
"263","Michael and Sophia Schmidt and family","photos"
"266","Michael and Sophia Schmidt Family","photos"
"757","Michel LeNeuf du Herisson","histories"
"628","Mildred (Scheafer) Brink","photos"
"137","Mildred Helen Schafer ","photos"
"634","Mildred Helen Schafer Memories from Wanda L (Brink) Gines","histories"
"34","Milk Cart","photos"
"47","Minerva and Winona Brink","photos"
"165","Minnie (Brink) and Theodore Ludwig","photos"
"169","Minnie (Brink) Ludwig and her father Charles L. C. Brink","photos"
"58","Minnie (Brink) Ludwig Postcard","photos"
"59","Minnie (Brink) Ludwig Postcard","photos"
"67","Minnie and Charles L.","photos"
"237","Minnie Brink and Hannah Hake","photos"
"238","Minnie Brink on 90th birthday:","photos"
"243","Minnie, Bertha, Waldo, Hannah, and Henry J. Brink ","photos"
"64","Minnie, Elizabeth, Mary, and Louise Brink
"624","Misc Charles F. Brink Stories","histories"
"625","Misc Stories of the Charles F Brink Family","histories"
"582","Molly Anne Euler - SSDI","ssdi"
"210","Mother Sophia Hake & Leola Hake","photos"
"423","Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gines","photos"
"166","Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Krughoff.","photos"
"130","Mrs. Heinrich Krueger","photos"
"168","Mrs. Rev. Frank D. Rademacher and two children","photos"
"505","Nancy, Florence and Delphia Philibert","photos"
"444","Naomi first baby of the year","photos"
"639","Newspaper Report of Ray Brink and Ruth Anderson Wedding","histories"
"29","North Prairie Church Sunday School","photos"
"765","Notes from ancestry.com posted by pdcharais during his research on Mattieu Le Neuf","documents"
"454","Oatricia Ogle Gines Wedding","photos"
"244","Oletha and Gary Hart","photos"
"371","Ossie Artelia Permelia Palestine Maudy Owens","photos"
"448","Otis Taylor family","photos"
"449","Ovid and Rosa Vermillion","photos"
"706","Owens, Charles Wiley - Portrait Photo","photos"
"588","Owens, Lorene Viola - SSDI","ssdi"
"450","Pat Ogle and David Gines","photos"
"452","Patricia Ogle","photos"
"455","Paul Hoss","photos"
"635","Paulina Anna Carolina Arnsmeyer Memories form Wanda L (Brink) Gines","histories"
"456","Pauline and Charles Owens","photos"
"457","Pauline Gines","photos"
"503","Pernina Philibert","photos"
"710","Philibert - History of Stone County, Missouri Volume II:","documents"
"748","Philibert, Delpha Jane Philibert Taylor","photos"
"732","Philibert, Joseph - Delaware Town","histories"
"734","Philibert, Joseph - Delaware Town and the Swan Trading Post","histories"
"730","Philibert, Joseph - Deposition in Missouri Supreme Court Case against William Gillis' Estate.","histories"
"723","Philibert, Joseph - et al Land Case Missouri Supreme Court","documents"
"717","Philibert, Joseph - Excerpt from the book Santa Fe Trail by Robert Luther Duffus","histories"
"728","Philibert, Joseph - Excerpt from The Rockies","histories"
"737","Philibert, Joseph - General Biography transcribed from the History of Stone Co.","histories"
"727","Philibert, Joseph - Index of Court Proceeding in Missouri","histories"
"736","Philibert, Joseph - Joseph in Stone County","histories"
"726","Philibert, Joseph - Mentioned in a Journal of a Fur-Trading Expedition on the Upper Missouri 1812 - 1813","histories"
"725","Philibert, Joseph - Mentioned in a letter by Ezekiel Williams","histories"
"758","Philibert, Joseph - Missouri Supreme Court Case","documents"
"724","Philibert, Joseph - News article from Mexico in the St. Louis, Missouri Gazette","documents"
"719","Philibert, Joseph - Original Petition to the court by Peggy Perryman","documents"
"733","Philibert, Joseph - Philibert and the Delaware Indians by Senator Emory Malton (version 1)","histories"
"718","Philibert, Joseph - Probate Records - 1866","documents"
"729","Philibert, Joseph - Probate Records - 1884","histories"
"731","Philibert, Joseph - St. Genevieve","histories"
"721","Philibert, Joseph - Story of his capture by the Spaniards","histories"
"720","Philibert, Joseph - Story of Joseph Philibert as a fur trader","histories"
"722","Philibert, Joseph - Story of trip by Philibert accompanied by Chouteau and DeMunn","histories"
"735","Philibert, Joseph - The Lenape Indians","histories"
"716","Philibert, Joseph - Trail Maps of the Pueblo Quadrangle Colorado","histories"
"741","Philibert, Joseph and Peninah - The McCullough Community and Williams Township Stone County, Missouri","histories"
"755","Philibert, Joseph I - Baptism record in Quebec Canada","documents"
"756","Philibert, Joseph II - Early Canadian Church records","documents"
"550","Philip Geines (Geins) Bible Cover","documents"
"557","Philip Geines 1855 IL Census Information","documents"
"556","Philip Geines 1855 Illinois Census","documents"
"551","Philip Geines' Family Bible Front Page","documents"
"458","Phyllis Gaither","photos"
"459","Pleasant and Velia Taylor","photos"
"648","possibly Senator Brink and wife","photos"
"11","Postcard for Anna ","photos"
"25","Postcard for Anna","photos"
"62","Postcard written by Ethel Brink","photos"
"460","Randal Paul Davis","photos"
"134","Raymond and Mildred Brink ","photos"
"113","Raymond and Ruth Brink","photos"
"627","Raymond Brink","photos"
"270","Raymond Brink’s first home","photos"
"211","Raymond L. Brink
"124","Raymond L. Brink","photos"
"273","Raymond L. Brink cutting grass ","photos"
"170","Raymond L. Brink’s boy scout picture","photos"
"657","Remembering the Male Quartets","documents"
"507","Reuben Adolphus Philibert Family","photos"
"245","Rev. G. F. Brink Family","photos"
"246","Rev. G. F. Brink Family","photos"
"151","Rev. Theodore and Minnie Brink Ludwig and son ","photos"
"462","Robert (Ish) and JoAnna Smith Wedding","photos"
"463","Robert Ray Owens","photos"
"46","Rodney and Kristine Schaeffer Wedding","photos"
"464","Rolla H. Gines","photos"
"114","Ron and Tracy Gines Wedding","photos"
"466","Ron Gines and Aunt Karen Gines","photos"
"465","Ron Gines and Tracy Schmidt","photos"
"489","Ron Gines and Wanda Brink at Greeneville College","photos"
"468","Ron Gines, Lorene Gines and Mildred Brink","photos"
"255","Ron, Brian, Vera, John, Bradley, Linda Luessenheide","photos"
"467","Ron, David and Karen Gines","photos"
"476","Ron, Wanda, Ron and Ronda","photos"
"461","Ronald and Wanda Gines Wedding","photos"
"474","Ronald L. and Ronda Kaye Gines","photos"
"469","Ronald L. Gines","photos"
"470","Ronald L. Gines","photos"
"471","Ronald L. Gines","photos"
"472","Ronald L. Gines","photos"
"473","Ronald L. Gines","photos"
"127","Ronald L. Gines & David Connor Gines","photos"
"126","Ronald L. Gines Family","photos"
"106","Ronda and Dennis Salazar ","photos"
"111","Ronda and Dennis Salazar","photos"
"475","Ronda Kaye Gines","photos"
"296","Rosa and Ovid Vermillion","photos"
"477","Ruth Hoss","photos"
"478","Ruth Walker","photos"
"707","SAR Application for John Fushee Farmer to Zelah Rice Farmer","documents"
"691","Schafer, Frank Guy - death Certificate - 8 Feb 1953","documents"
"258","Schmidt & Krughoff Family Photo","photos"
"446","Scott and Ginger Gines","photos"
"480","Scott and Ginger Gines Wedding","photos"
"481","Scott and Ginger Wedding","photos"
"484","Scott Gines","photos"
"485","Scott Gines","photos"
"482","Scott Gines VMI Graduation","photos"
"292","Scott Gines, 3rd Classman Cadet","photos"
"483","Scott, Jeff and Alisa Gines","photos"
"486","Sharon Hoss","photos"
"674","Shinall, Sarah - Married Name Matthews","photos"
"675","Shinall, Sarah - Portrait","photos"
"200","Sophia (Hartman) Hake","photos"
"498","Stephaine and Sharon Westerfeld","photos"
"494","Stephanie Westerfeld","photos"
"495","Stephanie Westerfeld","photos"
"496","Stephanie Westerfeld","photos"
"497","Stephanie Westerfeld","photos"
"499","Stephanie Westerfeld","photos"
"39","Stephen and Janice Clouser Family","photos"
"40","Stephen and Janice Wedding","photos"
"487","Steven and Brian Gaither","photos"
"7","Steven and Christie Coby and daughters","photos"
Forty years after plane crash, figure skaters are remembered","histories"
"805","Sylvester and Minnie Ludwig","photos"
"705","Taylor, Veda Elvira - Portrait Photo","photos"
"159","The C. F. Brink moving ","photos"
"647","The C. F. Brink moving van in front of his home in Huegely, Illinois.","photos"
"770","The first census of New France (Quebec) 1666
Les Trois Rivieres","histories"
"567","The Landis family of Lancaster County","documents"
"640","The Origins of the Name Brink","documents"
"563","The Strassburger Family and Allied Families of
Pennsylvania, by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, 1922, pp. 328-340. ","histories"
"738","The Yochum Dollar","histories"
"742","The Yocum Dollar","photos"
"128","Theodor and Minnie Ludwig","photos"
"804","Theodore and Minnie Ludwig Wedding Invitation","documents"
"248","Theodore Brink","photos"
"709","Tour directions from an ""Ozark Mountain Visitor"" ","documents"
"548","TOWN OF BRIDGEPORT ","histories"
"808","Transcription of Obituary and Death Certificate of Thomas Jefferson Grove.","documents"
"626","U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2 about Raymond L Brink","histories"
"488","Uncle Boots, Charles Edward and Ron Gines","photos"
"787","Uncle John and ""Daddy""","photos"
"256","Vera and Orlin Luessenheide ","photos"
"289","Vera and Orlin Luessenheide 50th Anniversary","photos"
"28","Waldo and Anna Brink","photos"
"239","Waldo Brink","photos"
"240","Waldo Brink","photos"
"23","Waldo Brink & Horses","photos"
"242","Waldo Brink and Anna (Krughoff) Brink","photos"
"287","Wanda Brink 5th from right front","photos"
"491","Wanda Brink and Ron Gines","photos"
"490","Wanda Brink and Ronald Gines","photos"
"135","Wanda L. Gines","photos"
"136","Wanda Lee and Charles Ray Brink ","photos"
"262","Wanda Lee Brink","photos"
"492","Wanda Lee Brink ","photos"
"171","Wedding photograph of Charles F. and Emma Finke Brink.","photos"
"173","Wedding Photograph of Emil and Clara Brink Tschuden","photos"
"116","Wesley and Muriel Brink","photos"
"213","Wilhelmine (Piethman) Krughoff","photos"
"36","William & Minerva Clauser Wedding","photos"
"48","William and Mary Brink","photos"
"37","William and Minerva Clauser Wedding","photos"
"38","William and Minerva Wedding","photos"
"250","William Brink","photos"
"174","William G. Brink","photos"
"249","William G. Brink. ","photos"
"84","William Mahan Family","photos"
"53","Winona (Brink) Huckshold ","photos"
"49","Winona, Karl, and Kristine Huckshold","photos"
"645","Yachum (Yochum) Family Name Origins","histories"
"543","Yoachum Family Name Origina Information","histories"
"743","Yocum Information from Historical Quarterly","histories"
"739","Yocum Silver Dollar: Fact or Legend?","histories"
"745","Yocum, Solomon - Estate Records from Denton County Texas","histories"
"744","Yocums mentioned in Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Book","histories"
"746","Yocums mentioned in The McCullough Community and Williams Township Stone County, Missouri","histories"
"747","Yocums mentioned in The McCullough Community and Williams Township Stone County, Missouri","histories"