

Matches 351 to 400 of 3,083

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
351 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I09019)
352 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I17656)
353 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I17587)
354 Baptized: October 23, 1881 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Hoyleton, Illinois
Occupation; Homemaker 
355 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I17589)
356 Baptized: September 6, 1778 Evangelisch, Bergkirchen, Lippe, Germany. (Not sure Lippe is correct.) DUEKER JOHANN FRIEDRICH (I01971)
357 Baptized: October 13, 1844 Evangelisch, Bergkirchen, Lippe, Westfalia MASCHHOFF ERNST HEINRICH WILHELM (I13240)
358 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I20605)
359 Barbara can be found on the 1860 census records for Wayne Co, Plain Twp, Ohio. She is livng with her children: Fanny, Anna, Barbara, Mary, and Elizabeth. The family is living between the families of David Mellinger and Christian Mellinger. BINKLEY BARBARA (I19554)
360 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I09943)
361 Barber - St. Louis, Mo. RHOADES HARRY (I13408)
362 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16274)
363 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I08306)
364 Believed to be child of Frederick W. Hoffman. LUDWIG CHRISTIAN EARL (I14422)
365 Believed to be child of Frederick W. Hoffman. HOFFMAN FREDERICH WILLIAM (I14421)
366 Believed to be child of Frederick W. Hoffman. HOFFMAN CHRISTINA WILHELMINA (I14420)
367 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I07316)
368 Belle was married to Charles Trevillion May 31, 1991. TRAVILLION BELLE HYLAND (I17217)
369 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16410)
370 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16354)
371 Ben and Lydia were married at the home of her parents on February 23, 1910 and lived on a farm west of Huegely and later lived on the Lueking and Sachtleben farms near Hoyleton. From 1924 to about 1940 they farmed one of his father's farms at Huegely, after which they purchased Ben's Grandfather Hake's farm west of Hoyleton. Upon retirement in about 1950 they moved to Hoyleton. Lydia's sister, Martha, lived with them for about twenty years until her death in 1970 at the age of 95. After retirement, Ben worked as a carpenter and for the State Highway Department and for twenty years was custodian of the Bethel United Methodist Church at Hoyleton. Ben and Lydia were life-long members of the North Prairie and Hoyleton Methodist Churches. ...
After sixty-one years of marriage Ben died on April 7, 1971 and LKydia on September 12, 1978. They are buried in the North Prairie Cemetery near Hoyleton.
By: Alice Benton
From 1979 Washington County History book 
372 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16271)
373 Ben worked for Swift Packing Co., St. Louis, for a number of years and in later years for beehler Steel co. He died suddenly at work. HOHMAN BENJAMIN PAUL (I07300)
374 Bergkirchen Evangelical Church Records.
Ernst Friedrich Joseph Fieker, Anerbe
zweiter ehelicher Sohn des lebenden Colons Friedrich Wilhelm Fieker Geb. Stallmann aus der Obersauernschaft und der verstrobenen Margarete Ilsabein Husemeyer aus Nettelstedt verwitwet gewesene Moehlmann geborn am 29 Januar 1821 ledig
Braut: Christine Wilhelmine Charlotte Meyer aus Kohlte jungeste eheliche Tochter des Colons, verstorben, Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Meyer aus Kohlte und er lebenden Cathar. Marie Rohde aus Hille geboren 18. November 1818 ledig
getraut am 31. October am Reformationstag 1841
Wohnung: Oberlubbe Nr. 26
From records of Bergkirchensis Kreis Minden Germany, den 19.12.1979

Auszug aus dem Totenregister 1896
2/1896 Fieker, Ernst Friedrich Joseph
Leibzuchter Nr. 26 Oberlubbe
geb. 29. Januar 1821
cop. 31. October 1841
starb am 12. Januar 1 14 Uhr morgens an Alterschwache
im Alter van 74 Jahren, 11 Monaten und 13 Tagen
hinterlast 3 verh. Kinder
beerdigt am 17. Januar in Bergkirchen
Bergkirchen Kreiss Minden, Germany den 19.12.1979 H. Mueller, pastor

Transcript from the Baptismal Register of 1821
Ernst Friedrich Joseph Fieker, born on 29, January 1821 at 6:00 p.m. legitimate.
Father: the settler Friedrich Wilhelm Fieker, birth-name Stallmann from the Oberhauerschaft (Upper Rural Township) in the church parish of Lubbecke/Luebbecke, No. 75.
Mother: Margarethe Ilsabein nee Husemeier of Nettelstadt (today Nettelstedt), No. 18, widowed Mohlmann/Moehlmann of No. 38 there.
Residence of the Parents: Lubber Holz/Luebber Holz (Lubbe?Luebbe Forest) No. 26, near Oberlubbe/Oberluebbe.
Date of Baptism: 4 February 1921.
Sponsors: the school teacher Ernst Heinrich Wiesinger of Korfskamp
the settler Carl Andreas Meier of Lubbe/Luebbe 2 near Oberlubbe/Oberluebbe
the settler Johann Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Sturckmeier of No. 3 the.
Church of Bergkirchen,Bergkirchen, 8 January 1980
County of Mindensigned/H. Mueller, Pastor

We are not sure when Ernst came to America, if he did. We think he did not as we could not find (so far) any documentation of his immigration. 
375 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13450)
376 Bernice was born in Hoyleton, Illinois, to Dr. George and Clara Hohman Green, the family having moved to Nashville in 1920. She attended Illinois Woman's College (now MacMurray College), Jacksonville, Illinois for 1 year and the University of Illinois for 2 years. She, too, has participated in various civic and church activities - among them member and past president of the American Legion Aux. - Sunday School Teachers for 13 years and others.

Bernice continues to live in the family home in Nashville, enjoying the companionship fo family and friends. She continues in her role as the family historian, having written three books on the genealogy of the Hoffman, Reinhardt, and Carson families. She also enjoys crocheting baby afghans for the infants of family and friends. Bernice has become adept at avoiding the Illinois cold and snow by visiting family members in Florida during the winter months.Bernice Reinhardt 3/2000 
377 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13393)
378 Bertha died after a lingering illness. REINHARDT BERTHA C. (I16098)
379 Betsy attended the U. of Illinois - graduated from James Millikin U. Member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. ATKINSON BETSY DORIS (I07317)
380 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16171)
381 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I17030)
382 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16143)
383 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I07605)
384 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13815)
385 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16741)
386 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I02428)
387 Bible of Philip Geins:

Front sheet (the actual cover of the bible is missing.) Done in Fraktur:

This Bible Belongs to Philip Geins

First page:

Philip Geins was born 12/18/1785
Catharine Gutthatel on 7/29/1810
She was born 5/1/1794


Elizabeth born 5/23/1811 at noon between 11 and 12 under the sign of the fish. Died 10/13/1813
Henrich born 9/17/1813 in the morning at 6 under the sign of Pisces
Anna born 10/30/1815 in the morning at 6 under the sign of Libra
Philip? (illegible) born 1819 in the morning
Sarah born 12/6/1826 in the morning at 1. 
388 Bill and Pal left Missouri in 1908 and moved to El Reno, Oklahoma, to be near her brothers and sister. They moved a few times and are known to have had a cafe in Minco and also Binger.
They were in Texas harvesting crops when their son Ralph met the girl he was to later marry.
In 1937 they moved to California where tehy lived at Winters and harvested crops. A few years later they moved to Modesto, California, and lived nearby to Andrew and his family.
In 1962 tehy made the statement that they were going back to Binger, Oklahoma, to die.

There is a photograph on p. 563 in Stone county History Book with the following heading:

From left: Robert, "Pal" (Owens), Ralph, and "Bill" Chappell 
389 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I07338)
390 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I16108)
391 Bill in partnership with his brother Ed in early years, owned and operated the Chevrolet garage in Nashville, Illinois. In later years he owned and operated Nashville Frozen Food Locker Plant and farmed. MEINERT WILLIAM C. (I16423)
392 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13459)
393 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I09022)
394 Birth date extracted from 1900 Census.
Death date unknown, but died young. 
395 Birth Date uncertain REYNOLDS PEARL (I23607)
396 Birth date was given by Jim and Ann as March 12, 1749.
James Ingels settled in Kentucky in 1782.

Notes on James Ingels, Jr. from

James Ingels, Sr. received a Patent Grant of 220 acres of land September 13, 1754 from the proprietors of Pennsylvania. On April 2, 1770, James Ingels, Sr. deeded to James Ingels, Jr. of Coventry and Union Townships, Berke and Chester Counties, Pa. 200 acres of land along the Skulkill, a large part of the same land of the Patent Grant of 1754, In the deed James Ingels, Jr. assumed certain obligations to his mother, Ruth Harmer Ingels, to his sister, Ruth, and to his brother, John, when John became of age. ("Ingels Family" by Kate Ingels Peak and Margaret Ingels, 1945. This 22 page pamphlet was copied from the INGLES drawer, John Fox, Jr., Library, Paris, Kentucky, June 2000, by Robert E. Francis.)

James served as a private second class in Captain Lambert Wilmore's Company of the Fourth Battalion, Philadelphia Militia (Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Vol. 1, p. 293).

James Ingels, Jr. and family left Pennsylvania in 1782 and there is a story that enroute to Kentucky James Ingels contracted with a gunsmith in Maysville, Kentucky to make him a gun and take his pay in bacon when it could be procured. The pioneer went on with his family, locating at Grant's Station near Bryant' Station. He finally raised the necessary bacon and sent a hired boy with it to Maysville to make the exchange. Several years later he had a letter from the one he had entrusted with this mission in which he learned that the hired boy, instead of going to Maysville, had wandered into Ohio, had bought a home, and was doing well. The former hired boy offered to pay the Kentucky pioneer for his bacon, horse and cart if he could go to Ohio but he never went. James Ingels, Jr. built a rock house at Grant's Station for his home. (Refer to History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, Kentucky, ed. by William Henry Perrin, O. L. Baskin & County, Chicago, 1882, p. 492). 
397 Birth Records - Daviess County, IN., 1882-1920, Vol. ! - A-K Book H-10, P. 132; Ft. Wayne, IN. Public Livrary. GINES RAY JUNIOR (I00459)
398 Birth Records: Daviess County, IN. 1882-1920 Vol. 1 - A-K, Ft. Wayne, IN. Public Library. GINES FORREST "FUZZY" DONALD (I00448)
399 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I14266)
400 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13692)

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